I am in the kitchen in a genuine fifties full skirt housewife dress. Just the kind of wife you would love to come home to. I cross and uncross my legs, and my hem rides up above my stocking tops. Just enough to make you wonder what, exactly, is holding up my stockings. I let you peek a little higher until you see the hem of my sexy slip, then I let you peek at my panties under my dress. I hold up my dress so you can see my slip, then I stand over you so you can look under my dress and get a peek at my amazing zebra stripped girdle with my red panties underneath. I know that is one of your favorite views. Now I go to town lifting my dress, squatting down so you can look up my skirt and then I do a slow and sexy striptease down to my bra and half slip. I know you want to see all my girdle and pantylines through the thin material. I strip out of my bra and show off my titties, then wriggle out of my slip and pose topless. I really show off my girdle, panties and stockings in all the angles and close ups I know you enjoy. I even spread my legs, pull my panties aside and let you look at my hairy pussy, still in my pretty girdle, of course.
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